16 Most Effective Search Engine Optimization Tips

SEO is a dynamic industry which requires keen observation and consideration in any kind of on-page changes, off-page activities or link-building strategies.
Marketers are always looking at ways to beef up their SEO plans and boost traffic, while on the other hand, search engines are getting smarter and smarter every day.
Most Effective Search Engine Optimization Tips


#SEOTalk Twitter Chat with Me on Twitter (@seoshankar) and Malhar Barai (@MalharBarai) on ‘Youtube and Video Marketing’






The History of Google Algorithm Updates

Google changes its search algorithm 500 times a year. Granted, the majority of these changes are relatively minor, but some of its larger updates can drastically affect search results, creating a ‘comply or die’ situation for businesses of all sizes around the globe.

The History of Google Algorithm Updates

Be sure to bookmark the Pea Soup Blog for all the latest info on Google’s Algorithm updates, as well as all the hottest SEO, digital marketing and social media news, views and reviews.